Frequently asked questions.

How long will training take?

Our sessions are one hour; we’re good but we’re not wizards so we can’t give you a timeframe on how long it’s going to take to see results. We can tell you that you get out what you put in, so you need to train every day to see results as quick as possible.

How often are sessions needed?

This depends on what behaviour we’re modifying or building.
Sometimes we’ll start with weekly sessions and push them out to fortnightly or even monthly as required.

Why is there a waiting period?

Sadly due to the pandemic, there are lots of troubled dogs around, so we have a back log. Often owners work so we have to fit our scheduling around you guys, so unfortunately positions fill up a fair bit in advance - Saturdays are the quickest to go!

Do you service all of Melbourne?

If you’re outside of the South East suburbs of Melbourne, we’ll offer online consults or refer you to a colleague
that’s closer to you.

Do your services expire?

Of course, nothing good lasts forever. There will be an expiry depending on the package or service you’ve purchased; please get in touch to discuss your personal circumstance.

What methods do you use?

We don’t have one ‘cookie-cutter’ method, because all dogs are different and learn differently. All dog’s and all behaviours will be planned according to their circumstances; however, we do practice a ‘Positive First’ mentality, but use all methods where required. We will correct unsafe behaviours to prevent injury eg. Jumping / mouthing / reactivity etc.

If you can’t find your question here, please have a read over our Terms and Conditions or get in touch via the contact page to discuss.